
Marina Orlova: Dance, Neurodiversity and Robots #OpeningThePill

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The intervention “Dance, Neurodiversity and Robots” is part of the research that focuses on the power dynamics between humans and technology in the field of mental health. There are many robots that are supposed to perform empathy. Bots-therapists, bots-companions, apps that help to improve your psychology. Human therapists in neoliberal mental health care system can be quite robotic too.

Scientists are working on breaking biases of Artificial Intelligence in how AI relates to people. But what if AI is “mentally unstable”? Can we practice inclusion towards it? Does it need therapy? If I wanted to talk to an AI instead of a human, I would like it to be relatable. What if it’s conditioned to have a disorder as well as I am? Now we’re talking.

Marina Orlova (1987, she/her, Russia/Netherlands) is a choreographer, performer and dance dramaturge with a background in social studies. She has been practicing dance and performance since 2012 and has graduated from the School for New Dance Development at Amsterdam Academy of Theatre and Dance in 2021. Since 2016 she has been showing her works in Russia, Germany and The Netherlands. In her practice she works with choreographic algorithms for bodies and interactions and her artistic research brings together topics of dance, migration, mental health and technology. Since 2020 she has been creating paradoxical AI-entities that become performers in her dance performances.

Video: Roberta Segata

Die Stiftung Museion. Museum für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst mit Sitz in 39100 Bozen, Piero Siena Platz 1, sucht eine*n Leiter*n für die Marketing- und Kommunikationsabteilung

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