Bulletin 1.2

Walking as a generator of thought

ten books to explore

by Alessandra Riggione, Museion Biblioteca and Letizia Basso, Museion Bookshop
Photo: Luca Meneghel

Walking, rambling and exploring places and lands at your own speed is an act of absolute freedom. It is an automatic and typically human gesture that, today, has become almost an act of transgression that is open to the multiple intentions of the wayfarer. In the pages of the ten books presented here, the authors look at this subject from various angles, but with a common intent to assert that walking is a powerful generator of thought.

Further Reading

Francesco Careri
Walkscapes: walking as an aesthetic practice
English-language Edition
ISBN: 9781683150084


Duccio Demetrio
Filosofia del camminare: esercizi di meditazione mediterranea
ISBN: 9788870789744
Italian-language Edition


Joshua Ferris
The Unnamed
ISBN: 9780316034012
English-language Edition


Hamish Fulton
Keep Moving
Texts: Andreas Hapkemeyer, Reinhold Messner, Angela Vettese
Multilingual edition: German, Italian, English, partly Ladin


Erling Kagge
Walking: one step at a time
ISBN: 9780241357682
English-language Edition


Erling Kagge
Philosophy for Polar Explorers. Sixteen Life Lessons to Help You Take Stock and Recalibrate
ISBN: 9780241404867
English-language Edition


David Le Breton
Éloge de la marche
ISBN: 9782864243519
French-language Edition


Shane O’Mara
In Praise of Walking: The new science of how we walk and why it’s good for us
ISBN: 978-1847925015
English-language Edition


Paolo Rumiz
A piedi
ISBN: 9788807921810
Italian-language Edition


Rebecca Solnit
Wanderlust: a history of walking
ISBN: 9781783780396
English-language Edition


Henry David Thoreau
ISBN: 9780486836485
English-language edition

Bulletin 1

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