Bulletin 3.6

Young people speak
through their writing

Museion Ink

Photo Museion

Autumn 2020 - with the participation of the Bolzanism Museum

Moods that fluctuate between happiness and sadness. Everyday experiences of frustration because the internet isn’t working. The distances, expectations and sensations of thirty days of Covid lockdown on a loop…! These and many other stories are told by the young people who took part in the “Museion Ink” creative writing workshop last autumn 2020.

The workshop was staged as an experiment by “Mail Art”. Every participant received a package in the mail containing an action kit with suggestions inspired by the artist, Matt Mullican’s installation 102 Signs for a Museum Fence currently on display at Museion Passage. The instructions in the kit invited the participants to choose how they wanted to make their voice heard. So, whether to invent a story, describe their own lockdown experience, find stories within stories using the caviardage technique that involves choosing which words to delete and which to leave on the page. Or simply to indicate the titles of the books, papers and magazines they were reading

Their replies came back through the post in the form of sketches, hand or typewritten pages, impressions and original stories. You can find them here as voices to be read, heard or looked at.

The participants included:
Daria Akimenko
Allegra Baggio Corradi
Margherita Delmonego
Ilaria D’Onofrio
Elsa Gigliotti
Federica Marenghi
Camilla Marani
Anna Minuzzo
Alice Moretto
Caterina Laruccia
Luisa Pisetta

Museion Ink is a project curated and coordinated by Roberta Pedrini, Museion – Services to the public and educational projects

Bulletin 3

The Museion Foundation. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, located in 39100 Bolzano, Piazza Piero Siena 1, is looking for a Head of Marketing and Communication

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