19.12.2024, 19:30

Museion Passage

Book presentation 

Book presentation with Hannes Egger, Masatoshi Noguchi, Sarah Oberrauch, Leonie Radine, Thomas Sterna and Andrea Varesco

On the occasion of documenta fifteen, the artists Hannes Egger and Thomas Sterna rented an exhibition space at the KulturBahnhof in Kassel and gave other artists the chance to win a week’s presentation of their works. Leaving the decision to chance rather than a jury of experts, any interested artist, curator or exhibition organiser could enter the prize draw simply by purchasing a lottery ticket. 

The book, recently published by Distanz Verlag (Berlin), contains not only documentation of the 13 winning exhibitions, but also texts by Katinka Fischer, Hannes Egger, Hans Dieter Huber, Larissa Kikol, Farid Rakun (ruangrupa), Thomas Sterna, Dan Perjovschi and Judith Waldmann.

The book will be presented with a panel discussion in which Masatoshi Noguchi, Sarah Oberrauch and Andrea Varesco as winners, together with Hannes Egger and Thomas Sterna, will talk about their experiences with the lottery. Moderation: Leonie Radine. 

Hannes Egger & Thomas Sterna  Foto: Dana LaMonda

Hannes Egger, Thomas Sterna - Win-Win Lottery
Softcover, ring binding 22 × 15.8 cm
160 pages, 60 colour illustrations
Design: Mirijam Obwexer
ISBN 978-3-95476-710-6
€ 20
Published December 2024


Book presentation

19.12.2024, 19:30

Location: Museion Passage

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