Summer Lab with RENAISSANCE artist Sophie Lazari

29.07.—02.08.2024, 09:00—13:00

11-14 years
Language: Bilingual German/Italian
Max. 18 participants per week
Price: 40 € per week/person
Book by emailing us or calling +39 0471 223435 during Museion opening hours

In summer 2024, two young artists from Museion’s RENAISSANCE exhibition will accompany the girls and boys in the realisation of an individual creative project:

The second week will be accompanied by Sophie Lazari (1997 Bologna, lives and works in Berlin), whose contribution to the exhibition takes up the spiritual phenomenon of ‘tarantismo’, which originated and developed in southern Italy. Her work explores the therapeutic aspects of music, dance and art, and how emotions can be expressed artistically: joy, sadness, anger and love - how do they arise and discharge in an individual way? Each day a different emotion will be proposed and investigated, activating creative processes through music, dance and movement, drawing, colour and much more. In July, Sophie Lazari will also contribute to her work with a dance performance in Museion as part of the Bolzano Danza festival.

Summer Lab with RENAISSANCE artist Sophie Lazari

Museion Art Club Young

29.07.—02.08.2024, 09:00—13:00

The Museion Foundation. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, located in 39100 Bolzano, Piazza Piero Siena 1, is looking for a Collaborator in the department Visitor Services / Educational projects


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