Media Façade - Diego Marcon, Untitled (Head Falling)

26.10.2017, 22:00—23:30
Foto: Othmar Seehauser
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Five faces in constant movement, falling asleep and waking up again in a grueling interplay between consciousness and daze.

This is the new video by Diego Marcon (1985, Busto Arsizio, Varese) Untitled, Head Falling, with which the media facade in the October will be played. When the city sinks into darkness, sleep and wakefulness alternate on the facade in animated fragments that were assembled and designed as an endless loop. When Marcon deals with sleep, he does so with extremely effective chromatic images in bright blue and pink tones. At the beginning of this work there was a painterly approach, namely the films made by the artist.

Sleep is very present in the artist’s work, who examines this lack of consciousness as a moment of transition into another dimension, and thus repetition and the apparent boredom or the banality associated with the rituals of everyday life are also material for his animations. The starting point is always the attentive observation of some elements of reality, which then entrusts itself to the formal language of cinema, to which Marcon is closely linked. Artist talk: October 14, 2017, 7:30 p.m.

Media Façade - Diego Marcon, Untitled (Head Falling)

Media Façade

26.10.2017, 22:00—23:30
23.—24.10.2017, 19:00—22:00
19.10.2017, 22:00—23:30
16.—18.10.2017, 19:00—22:00
14.10.2017, 20:00—22:00

Curator: Frida Carazzato

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