Support Museion

Donations provide fundamental backing for everything Museion offers, from exhibitions, through education and mediation, to the maintenance of the collection.

Your contribution touches every aspect of the museum and supports us in creating a welcoming and stimulating place for visitors. We want to help the widest possible public to understand and appreciate modern and contemporary art and the essential historical value it has for the local area. Indeed, contemporary art speaks of changes in today’s society, it opens up questions and attempts to provide answers to decipher the future. 

There are many ways to support Museion - whether you are a private individual, a foundation, a company or somewhere in between - with many personalized benefits available in recognition of your generosity and trust. We would like to thank our members and donors for their loyalty and enthusiasm, and we look forward to engaging new art lovers to share extraordinary experiences.

Make a donation

Museion Foundation
Banca Cassa di risparmio Bolzano Filiale Point 12,  I
BAN IT32I 06045 11600 000000019000

Art Bonus

Support Transart Extended, partner of Museion and Museion Art Club.

Your 5x1000 to Museion Foundation

Museion Foundation. Codice fiscale: 02517400210

Partnerships, technical sponsors and advertising

For information please contact: Cristina Ferretti
Tel. +39 0471 223419 Email: 

For information please contact: Cristina Ferretti
Tel. +39 0471 223419 Email: or

The Museion Foundation. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, located in 39100 Bolzano, Piazza Piero Siena 1, is looking for a Head of Marketing and Communication

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