In its educational work that has existed for decades, Museion sees itself as an experienced educational partner that accompanies children and young adolescents into an innovative and value-oriented future. 

Educational specialists, lecturers and students also use the Museion as a special place for personal and academic further training. The sustainable goal of all educational offerings is the collective discussion of forms of expression in art, current issues in society and political education, aspects of linguistic diversity and participation as well as future-oriented fields of activity in culture. The focus of the didactic methodology is on creative work, self-determined action and critical thinking. The year-round formats include a differentiated, curricular-linked range of tours and workshops for kindergartens, school classes and students, a wide range of further training courses for educational specialists and adults, as well as vocational preparation modules for Unibz educational sciences students.

The partners in Museion’s educational work include: Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, University of Trento, German and Italian School Office of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano, Catholic South Tyrolean Teachers’ Association KSL, Working Group of South Tyrolean Middle, High School and Vocational School Teachers ASM, stakeholders of pedagogical and academic practice, Philipps University of Marburg.

Preschoolers & Primary schools

Hello future, here we come!

Every school year, the Museion awaits children and their educational companions with scenarios that involve them with all their senses and imaginatively turn the world (of tomorrow) upside down. We want to shape this future together: in eventful tours, creative workshops and with space for our own ideas. All offers can be linked across disciplines with the learning areas of art, political education, environmental education and language didactics. Separate tips for further teaching can turn the visit to the Museion into a didactic thematic unit if desired.

Live and experience the exhibitions

During the school year, two new educational paths await students: they will be developed according to age and will be offered in the exhibitions underway in autumn and spring. An opportunity to get closer to the expressive forms of art and the themes of current society through playful actions, using all the senses and creativity.

The Museum caterpillar tells a story (4–5 years)

Stories to create together:
With the museum’s friendly caterpillar “Musil”, the works on display become the starting point for an adventure full of creative activities, oriented, if necessary, towards language learning.
​Preschool – Duration: 90 min

Interactive path / workshop (5–6/7–11 years)

Discover, be amazed, do it yourself:
Thanks to some practical-play stations set up in the current exhibitions, students tackle topics that stimulate individual ideas and forms of expression through practical situations (2 courses differentiated by age).
Preschool & primary school – Duration: 90 or 120 min

Museion for linguistic enhancement

Works from the current exhibitions become the starting point for activating, in a practical and playful way, processes that stimulate creativity and language learning. To complement the school program, these courses offer a direct, fun and creative approach to the second language.

Multilingual path “The Flying Carpet” (7–11 years)

In the fantastic world of languages:
Boys and girls find and invent written and non-written words, experimenting with non-verbal expressive forms and using language as a constituent element of their creative practice. (Bookable in L2 Italian/L2 German or in L3 English)
Primary school (recommended from 2nd grade) – Duration: 90 min

Getting to know the museum… Museion!

Through a series of routes differentiated by age group we take a look behind the scenes of this large transparent “treasure chest” that is Museion. What really is a museum? Who moves inside it and what activities do they carry out? And again, how many curiosities and how many extraordinary objects are preserved inside?

Exploratory path (5–6/7–11 years)

Little detectives in a space full of stimuli:
Boys and girls explore and “complete” the museum spaces by playing and trying their hand at the role of little curators. A cheerful exploratory journey that has the museum as its theme (2 routes differentiated by age).
Nursery school & primary school – Duration: 90 min

From school to museum - workshops on curricular topics

Throughout the year, alongside the itineraries that develop around the exhibitions, we offer our great classic thematic workshops which take place in a special teaching room. In particular, workshops that address the relationship between art and language are particularly suitable for facilitating a first contact with letters, through practical and imaginative exercises.

Note: If, in addition to the thematic workshop, you also wish to book a short visit to the exhibitions, please consider extending the time available. In this case, you are kindly asked to communicate this at the time of booking. Thank you!

From drawing to writing… and back again! (5–6 years)

A jungle of signs:
Through some selected works and using their own creative ability, boys and girls explore, through play, the use of the constituent elements of the language. A creative laboratory on the visual aspects of writing.
Nursery school & primary school (1st year) – Duration: 90 min

The sound of the alphabet (5–6/7–11 years)

Whispering paintings:
Some works, created using texts and images, introduce boys and girls to the rhythmic, sound and acoustic dimensions of art and their creative interpretations. A fun workshop on unconventional forms of reading and image creation.
Nursery school & primary school – Duration: 90 min

Artist’s book workshop (5–6/7–11 years)

Lots of colorful pages:
A large selection of original artist books by artist Dieter Roth invites students to rediscover the object “book” and transform it creatively.
Nursery school & primary school – Duration: 90 or 120 min

The Mirrored Self – A (self) portrait! (5–6/7–11 years)

Two times me:
A double self-portrait created in a surprising way! In this practical-creative workshop, boys and girls will intuitively create their own colored “Me”. The activity starts from examples taken from the history of art and from unusual original works exhibited at Museion.
Kindergarten & primary school – Duration: 90 or 120 min

Mysterious signs & secret languages (7–11 years)

Espionage mission:
Works in which mysterious codes are hidden which, following historical examples of encrypted languages, offer the opportunity for practical and creative encounters with the world of art and language.
Primary school (recommended from 2nd grade) – Duration: 90 min

Distance learning

Museion thematic KITS

Two thematic Museion KITs oriented towards action and play, reach educational facilities in the region via post, going well beyond the threshold of the museum! The educational packages, supplied with instructions and materials to take action, can be used several times to tackle a long-lasting project that can be adapted to your group of children

Thematic KIT “I’ll give you (my) museum” (4-6/7-11 years)

Donate, collect, share. The museum is for everyone!
Musil, the museum’s caterpillar, delivers a series of cheerful letters from Museion artists to boys and girls. These invite us to reflect on collecting, but also on the joy of showing and sharing what we have collected. Finally, a folding leporello transforms into a small traveling museum with colored “walls” with all types of art and collected objects.
Nursery school & primary school - Duration: can be carried out individually

Thematic KIT “Equally different” (5–8 years)

Red, orange, yellow and green…
The world is colorful and varied, and that’s what makes it so beautiful! With the cheerful message that each of us is perfect just the way we are, this thematic pack is aimed at every boy and girl. Thanks to the teachings full of sensitivity and humanity of the artist David Medalla, to the fun adventures of the caterpillar of the Musil museum and to the moments of creative and playful action, a wonderful rainbow appears!
Kindergarten & primary school - Duration: can be done individually.

Middle schools & High schools

Actively experience the exhibitions

During the school year two new routes – one in autumn and one at the beginning of the year – are offered in relation to the ongoing exhibitions. Students will have the opportunity, with their own personal points of view, to develop alternative perspectives on social and intercultural issues, on their ways of living and on coexistence towards a common future.

Note: Suitable for classes working according to CLIL methodology criteria. In this case, please kindly let us know at the time of booking.

Classic guided tour

Develop new points of view:
A guided tour of the main aspects of the current exhibitions.
11–14/15–19 years - Duration: 60 min

Interactive tour with practical workshop

Exchange of ideas, involvement and personal experimentation:
We will approach the contents and works of the current exhibitions through interactive and dialogic moments, in a mutual exchange. These will then become the starting point for our forms of practical, creative and experimental expression.
​11–14/15–19 years - Duration: 90 min or 120 min

Museion for linguistic enhancement

Some works in the current exhibitions represent the concrete starting point for paths aimed at learning and in-depth linguistic study. The planned activities aim to strengthen the skills acquired, encourage freedom of expression and stimulate linguistic processes in a positive and creative concrete experience.

Multilingual path I & II

Language as an access portal:
Forms of communication based on free association, verbal and non-verbal, combined with sensory stimuli and experiential input, allow the works to be transformed into a formidable opportunity to activate individual linguistic experiences.
Two paths differentiated by age; bookable in L2 Italian/L2 German or in L3 English.
11–14/15–19 years - Duration: 90 min

Getting to know Museion as a cultural reality

What function does a museum have? Who works there? And again, what curiosities and what wonderful objects are preserved inside a museum? To answer these and other questions, Museion offers two interesting itineraries that allow you to take a look behind the scenes of the building.

Note: Suitable for classes working according to CLIL methodology criteria. In this case, please kindly let us know at the time of booking.

NEW: Who Where What? Reloaded!

A day in a museum:
Through an interactive approach, boys and girls will step into the shoes of Museion’s professionals thanks to an incursion into the building, searching for every trace left in the exhibitions by the different departments.
11–14/15–19 years - Duration: 90 min

Architecture guided tour

A transparent building for Bolzano:
A guide to the history and architecture of the building and its special features.
​11–14/15–19 years - Duration: 60 min

From school to the museum - Workshops on curricular themes

Throughout the year, we offer thematic workshops that take place in a special teaching room alongside the exhibitions. In this way we approach artistic concepts and strategies and make connections with curricular content.

Contemporary art is…?

Explaining art:
Starting with examples from art history and the children’s own ideas about ‘what contemporary art is’ or ‘what it should be’, a framework of varied opinions is sketched out, which are then reworked creatively.
11-14/15-19 years - Duration: recommended 2x 90 min

Art history meets the present

Linking the contemporary to curricular themes:
Are there connections between contemporary art and classical art history? Together we weave new connections… Recommended for classes dealing with prehistoric, ancient and medieval art.
11-14/15-19 years - Duration: 90 or 120 min

Artist’s book workshop

Creative reinterpretation:
A wide selection of original works by artist Dieter Roth invites us to rediscover the ‘book’ object, revealing the boundaries of art making and stimulating one’s own and individual creative production.
11-14/15-19 years - Duration: 90 or 120 min

Mirrored me - A (self-)portrait!

Two times me:
An amazingly realised double self-portrait! In this practical-creative workshop the children will create their own coloured, mirrored “I” with their eyes closed. Starting with examples taken from art history and unusual original works on display in Museion.
11-14/15-19 years - Duration: 90 or 120 min

Distance learning

Museion thematic KITS

An action-oriented thematic kit on various topics reaches schools in the region far beyond the museum threshold! The teaching package, equipped with instructions and materials for action, can be used on an ongoing basis for a long-lasting and adaptable project for your class group.

Thematic KIT #MEMEFORTHEFUTURE - A meme for the future!

Find your media language!
The works in Museion’s collection of visual poetry and mail-art lead to specific questions about the museum: who collects and what do they collect - and for whom? How will we preserve and share our cultural heritage in the future, and through which channels? What is important to us? Memes combined with images and texts give voice to the opinions of young people to convey a message to the outside world!
11-14/15-19 years - Duration: can be run independently


Preschoolers & Primary schools

Workshop Preschool

60/90 minutes 

3.00€ (per child)

120 minutes

4.00€ (per child)

Workshop Primary school

90 minutes

4.50€ (per child)

120 minutes

5.00€ (per child)

Distance learning - Museion thematic KITS

up to 13 students 

3.00€ (per child)

13-30 students 


Middle schools & High schools


60 minutes 

4,00€ (per person)

90 minutes

4,50€ (per person)

120 minutes

5,00€ (per person)

Distance learning - Museion thematic KITS

up to 13 students 

3,00€ (per person)

13-30 students 


Information and bookings

+39 0471 223435

The programme is realised thanks to the kind support of the Italian and German Schools Authority of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

We look forward to your visit!


Museion offers university lecturers customised seminar modules that can be integrated into the teaching of the semester plan. The units, which can be customised in terms of scope, offer your students an extended excursion that deepens the aesthetic research field of contemporary culture and society from various aspects - including artistic-creative, sociological or language-based - in both a practical and theoretical way.

Museion’s education team draws on years of practical experience with academic professors from various local and international universities, including the German and Italian education authorities in South Tyrol, the Faculty of Design and Art and the language centre at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, the Department of Art History at the University of Trento and the Faculty of Education at the Philipps University of Marburg (Germany).

Through partnerships with universities, Museion aims for a sustainable expansion of professional and research fields at the interface of art and culture, museum and educational didactics, education and design. Please contact us at: / t 0471 223434

Teacher’s Area

Bringing culture and education forward together!

Since the Museion was founded, targeted project work with external stakeholders in the local education sector has been a central concern in the sustainable discussion of future-oriented issues in culture and society. Only in close and competent exchange with strong educational partners can high-quality educational work be brought forward together - in a constant dialogue between education and culture and with the shared goal of a self-determined and ethically acting society of tomorrow!

We are always happy to assist educational professionals who would like to exchange content with us beyond our didactic offerings or plan a didactic unit together with us!
Contact: / 0471223435

Teachers Card

The decades-long relationship of trust and the valuable collaboration with our educational partners is important to us. With the Teachers Card, the Museion offers educational professionals in the region free access to all exhibitions, including private visits. The Teachers Card can be easily obtained from visitor services or at the Infopoint during Museion opening hours.

Training opportunities

The regularly changing content of the Museion, but also the fluid change in our social topics and questions, make the museum a continuous and special place for personal and professional training. In order to remain in constant, educational dialogue, the Museion, in collaboration with the German and Italian Education Authorities of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the KSL and the ASM, regularly offers introductions to all exhibitions and the educational offerings developed for them.

For information on training opportunites in Italian and German please check the relevant language pages. 

The Museion Foundation. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, located in 39100 Bolzano, Piazza Piero Siena 1, is looking for a Head of Marketing and Communication

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