Information on accessibilty and barrier-free access to Museion in easy language

Museion Art Club - Printing Food Stories Photo credits: Samira Mosca

Museion puts into action its social mission continuously breaking down architectural, physical, cognitive and sensory barriers to enable cultural participation for all.

Museion sees itself as a place that is accessible and stimulating for a diverse audience, that broadens horizons of experience and offers inspiration, critical reflection, education and non-commercial enjoyment. Such a place is open to people from a wide range of backgrounds, regardless of their age, origin, prior professional knowledge and education, gender identity or sexual orientation. In addition, Museion sees a central task in meeting all the needs of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Anti-discriminatory practice and the promotion of diversity and accessibility are a constant institutional learning process in the team, in research, in the programme and in audience work - at Museion and in all its digital and analogue publications.

Easy language

In order to make the contents and concepts of exhibitions more accessible and easier to understand, they are also professionally translated into Easy Language (Italian, German and English) at Museion in the exhibition space or in the accompanying booklet. These texts are also available for download under exhibitions on the website.

If you have any suggestions or comments regarding accessibility topics and areas of action at Museion, we would be pleased to receive your e-mail at:

Health & Care

Targeted project work with external partners from the social and health sectors is one of the central objectives of Museion’s socially oriented opening. The concept of the formats follows an inclusive and sustainable partner work, which understands diversity and individuality as a social and creative force and supports the collective responsibility of different perspectives and biographies. Numerous actors* from the health and care sector use Museion weekly for joint projects, for independent therapy work, for mutual professional exchange on therapeutic methods in the context of art, as well as for the central visualisation of social issues concerning mental and physical well-being and care in the context of museums and society.

Health & Care - Behind the Scenes

Space for joint projects - Opening up the space for autonomous therapy work as well as joint projects in collaboration with art therapists and caregivers.

Health & Care - Slow formats

Existing formats of cooperation in the field of therapy.

For more information about these projects and activities, please contact us: