Kingdom of the Ill Reader

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Books Publications Reader

An anthology of critical texts, the second in the Techno Humanities publication series, published by Hatje Cantz to amplify the discourses surrounding the exhibition’s topics. The reader features texts written by Bart van der Heide, Sara Cluggish, Pavel S. Pyś, Lioba Hirsch, Amy Berkowitz, Artur Olesch, Mary Maggic, P. Staff, and Lynn Hershman Leeson. Topics in the publication include negotiating illness in relation to systemic public and corporate forces; enduring inequities; allyship and forms of care; global economy and healthcare access; negotiating social distancing; proximity, mental health, invisibility and what the body absorbs in a pandemic; technology and virtual spaces in a pandemic; negotiating systems of care as protest; and DIY, hacking and alternative healing.

Kingdom of the Ill Reader

Worldwide distribution by Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH, Ganske publishing group
Progetto grafico Studio Mut, Bolzano/Bozen
Cover artwork Brothers Sick
ISBN 978-3-7757-5387-6