
Asad Raza: Plot

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Museion presents Plot, an interdisciplinary and processual exhibition by the artist Asad Raza featuring the architects BB (Fabrizio Ballabio, Alessandro Bava), artist Lydia Ourahmane, and choreographer Moriah Evans.

With Plot, Museion explores new ground for experiential and collaborative practices of exhibition-making. By establishing a dialogue between visual art, science, architecture, dance, and local participants with a strong relation to soil, the project draws on and generates situated knowledge.

Asad Raza: Plot
Curated by Leonie Radine
25.03.23 - 03.09.23

In collaboration with Bolzano Danza / Tanz Bozen

Video by Domenico Palma

Entdecken Sie die Ausstellung Asad Raza: Plot

Die Stiftung Museion. Museum für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst mit Sitz in 39100 Bozen, Piero Siena Platz 1, sucht eine*n Leiter*n für die Marketing- und Kommunikationsabteilung

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