
Museion Art Club - TO-GATHER. Design takes part


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Participatory residency with Sebastian Marbacher
07.07.23 - 11.07.23

During the residency, the participants reflected on the body’s behaviour in relation to surrounding spaces and objects, becoming both designers and spatial experimenters. Starting from modular structures, participants playfully explored how various environments and settings influence our behaviour and social interactions. The results of their experiments were then shared with the public during the ART & FOOD dinner and the final event UNBOXING THE ART.


Designer: Sebastian Marbacher

Participants: Fabio Carlino, Allegra D’Achille, Agnese di Persio, Irene Delvai, Sven Kammerer, Chiara Simpson, Tessa Hinz, Jasmin Khlifi, Jacob Kaufmann, Chiara Cesaretti, Biljana Veselinovic Savkovic, Sarah Kofler, Sarah Daniel Doetsch, Jacopo Margaglia

Art mediator: Alexandra Angerer

Curator & Producer: Ada Keller, Matthias Poetz

Museion Art Club – Forum: Andrea Bernard, Alex Giovanelli, Ada Keller, Tracy Oberti, Roberta Pedrini

Video: Filiberto Daidola

La Fondazione Museion. Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea con sede in 39100 Bolzano, Piazza Piero Siena 1, cerca un/a Responsabile reparto Marketing e Comunicazione

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